I setup a private registry, which run fine. Docker 1.10. I choose to change the host, and recreate the certificate. All run fine on my server, but on my customer server I can't push an image to the registry :
unable to ping registry endpoint https://my.customer.private.hostname:5000/v0/
v2 ping attempt failed with error: Get https://my.customer.private.hostname:5000/v2/: Forbidden
v1 ping attempt failed with error: Get https://my.customer.private.hostname:5000/v1/_ping: Forbidden
I can't find anybody else talking about 'forbidden' answer on Google. Where can I search to understand ?
I already deleted the container, the image, uninstalled docker, reinstalled docker but still the same error. The only thing I do not delete is the thinpool used to store docker data (devicemapper).
The registry IP was not localhost, so I needed to add the host to the NO_PROXY variable. I still not undestand why the first host worked. Restarting the registry container without https (http only) and using tcpdump help us to resolve this issue.
My docker registry have a certificate built for it, and the CA certificate is given to each Docker installation in /etc/docker/certs.d/myregistry.domain.tld:5000/ca.crt, so my registry is not insecure. But I will try to be sure.
Have you done a docker login my.customer.private.hostname:5000? I’d preface that with a docker logout my.customer.private.hostname:5000 to make sure an old login isn’t sitting around.